There are lots of folks out there who do not begin to understand what goes through my head on a daily basis. That's perfectly fine and reasonable, as a majority of people have no need to understand. The people that I am closest to, though, need to have some idea of what goes on with me and what to do in the case of an emergency. The ones who spend the most time with me have that information and more because I've equipped them to help me, should I need it.
But what about the day-to-day stuff? How much does my boyfriend need to understand, for example? This comes up in many discussions online and in many circles offline. I am a little disappointed because the couple who received the painful email has not one, but two sick children. One had a cold and now the other seems to be catching it. The little one had immunizations a week ago. I am praying with every fiber of my being that it wasn't the ones I'm supposed to avoid. I heard all this at dinner last night, when they were discussing the fact that the child had a fever. GREAT. We already had this discussion. If I get sick now, we're going to have to have a conversation again, DO NOT WANT.
Generally, my boyfriend is great about these things, but in this instance, he kind of thinks I'm worried about nothing. I just got over being sick for about 2 months, I would rather not get sick again for a little while. I understand that I seem a little nutty, but it matters to me. I don't want to wind up infected all the time and not being able to work. At least the people in my life are supportive and understanding when I do get infected and when I need to go to the doctor. There's no sense that I'm faking or being manipulative.
On the other side of the coin, there are those whose significant others and families both have no idea and also have no concept of the import of regular doctor visits and proper medical attention. I can't fathom being in a relationship with someone who told me I was not allowed to go see doctors without him. I can't imagine being in a situation where I couldn't get to my doctors. It is a scary thought, but one that many patients face. I do not ever want to be in that position. At least I know if I were stranded somewhere and needed to go, my boyfriend or my father would be first in line to make sure I got there safely.
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