Friday, January 13, 2012

Cancer Barbie

I have all the sympathy in the world for little kids with cancer.

Since we've gotten that out of the way, I shall start my tirade. WHY DOES THERE NEED TO BE A BALD BARBIE? Oh right, there doesn't. Little girls shouldn't need a Barbie who looks like them, because, guess what, no one actually looks like Barbie! Shocking, but true.

I don't feel this makes a big contribution to any sort of well-being for these little girls. How about their friends and family make them feel beautiful outside of any references to dolls or external matters? How about we make them feel valuable and beautiful for being who they are and being brave in the face of all this?

Some people on Facebook seem to think this is the best idea in the world, and it seems to be catching on. They also seem to think that nonprofits actually make money on social marketing schemes. News flash, kids: social marketing makes very little money for these nonprofits and much more for the corporation they are "partnered" with. It's greenwashing. How about instead of a cancer barbie Mattel spends that development expense on just GIVING TOYS TO THE KIDS AT ST JUDE'S. How novel. Using a channel that already exists to do good. GO FIGURE.

EDIT: Also, do kids really need to be so focused on being sick all the time? I don't think so. I think the bald barbie idea just brings attention to "oh you're sick, you need a different barbie, not the ones you've always had."

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