Friday, January 6, 2012

Medical Dictionary

I really don't mind sharing knowledge with people. I don't at all. In fact, I am glad to share what I've learned with others.

What annoys me is when those same people won't take the time to do a simple google search before asking me to do it for them. I get that I'm good at googling and finding information. I am proud of that. If you expect me to help you, though, you have to show at least some initiative, or it gets to be overwhelming. I'm usually finding out things about my own diagnoses or symptoms or what have you. It's hard for me to take on research projects of your common cold. It's a cold. Take Mucinex. GAH!

I will jump in to facebook conversations about symptom remedies, though, because I really feel like people are in the dark about that stuff. The cold medicine aisle is confusing for me and I KNOW what I'm looking for. Specific brand guidance, etc, can be extremely helpful for people, and I realize that, so I try and do what I can. I also try to tell them active ingredients that will help certain symptoms. That leads to some interesting auto-corrects on my phone, as you can imagine.

I just don't want people to feel like I am a substitute for asking their doctor questions, I guess. I have walked a long road of confusion and questions to get here, and I think there's a lot of value in finding these things out for yourself and having a discourse with your medical professionals about what you find. Talk to your doctor. If you can't, find a new one. They're your partner.

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