Thursday, January 26, 2012


Oh wait. No it isn't.

So there's a manufacturer's shortage for many medications in the US right now. This happens sometimes, yadda yadda, not usually an issue. Most of the time there's something else to use. Besides that, there has never been a shortage so dire that I was denied product and I've been on almost a decade.

This is not the case with some people's preferred brand of IVIG, so if there's even a RUMOR of a shortage people totally freak out without taking 2 seconds to think and perform a simple google search.

Supplies of Gammagard, my product of choice, are currently "tight" per my specialty pharmacy. My infusion is in 2 weeks, but yet they will have no problem supplying my product. Ok. Great. Fast forward to today, when people are absolutely flipping out when they found out they might have to use another product. THEN the rumors start to fly. They're selling all our product to Europe, etc.

This is when I get frustrated. You're panicking people who already have anxiety problems potentially and making them think this is some kind of emergency (it's not) so why not take it down a notch and wait until you can get someone on the phone in the morning? Because that wouldn't be as dramatic? Sigh.

Like I said in the group...
-Not all pharmacies are having problems. Mine isn't. I called on Tuesday and everything is fine.
-The IVIG manufacturer in question has supported our community in ways unprecedented with other companies. They've also said NUMEROUS times that PIDD patients are an absolute priority to receive product. Off label uses (which use a great deal of product) would be last on the list.
-Only 3 facilities for the company are authorized to produce product to sell in the EU. 1 of those is in the US. Meanwhile, it doesn't even make sense for them to send product from US to sell in Europe. IVIG is cheaper per gram there.
-These shortages wouldn't happen if there were more healthy plasma donors. Donations fall off during the holidays, so if patients want to ensure a good pool, they should convince people to donate plasma more often.

I wish people would give a little more consideration before flying off into some land of rumor and total bull and would give even more consideration to sharing that stuff with others.

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