Thursday, September 20, 2012

Marvels of Modern Medicine

More often than not, I feel like my own medical experiences are somewhat miraculous. 100 years ago, the first pneumonia I had in 8th grade probably would have killed me. If that didn't, the pneumonia at 19 certainly would have. Or perhaps one of the numerous infections I'd had before that were treated with antibiotics. There are a million and one ways nature (and, perhaps, Darwin) could have taken its course. I mean, I don't make antibodies. My body doesn't do a very good job of fighting for itself... Yet here I am, living a full and relatively healthy life. Amazing.

Recently, I have been reading some news articles that speak to the miracles achieved by the application of science in medicine. These things range from the simple, like using vinegar to help find pre-cancerous cervical lesions in places where PAP smears are difficult, to developing oxygen foam to help in critical medical situations. It is truly wondrous to me.

I am so thankful for all the medical pioneers out there. For all the doctors who learn about and use these treatments for their patients. For all the nurses who are dedicated to the best patient outcomes. I know I would not be here without them and without the pioneers who developed the treatments that have saved my life and returned quality of life to me. I am eternally grateful.

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