Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Choosing Wisely

Today is the day. Choosing Wisely is releasing the lists from physician organizations regarding the "Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question." As a patient, I question a lot more than these things, especially when it comes to procedures and testing. At some point, you have to be aware enough to realize that there has to be a line drawn somewhere.

One thing I find very interesting is that two of the lists invoke the recent study about sinusitis and antibiotics. I really hope the general public can and will seize on to this idea of waiting to get antibiotics. It will improve outcomes in the long run and help prevent secondary problems like antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and gastrointestinal infections that can come from antibiotic exposure.

It's also interesting about the timing of difference high tech scans. I think that people are given far too many of these tests because they insist on them. They raise Cain until someone gives in to them and gives them unnecessary testing. I'm all for being thorough, but I believe that people in this country are far too quick to demand more and more intervention for silly things, like the common cold. Even with healthy immune systems, good musculature, solid bones, you won't be healthy all the time. Sometimes, things need to run their course. Obviously, this is different for people with chronic conditions, but I think even in our community we need to consider what is going on.

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