Friday, October 26, 2012

Eyeball Update

Ok, so I haven't been the most compliant when it comes to certain life functions... like getting my eyes checked for hydroxychloroquine retinopathy like I'm supposed to. Part of that is because I tried to find eye doctors I actually liked that were competent and that was easier said than done. One didn't have the machinery, another did a half-way job and had a super crowded, loud waiting room... and made me wait an hour and a half before even getting called back to wait some more for the doctor. I was slightly traumatized by that last one, so I had to summon my courage and find a new opthamologist.

I did! Finally went in yesterday. My eyes are apparently in wonderful shape. No issues at all. Everything normal. HA! That's a phrase rarely associated with anything in my medical sphere. I'm proud of myself for putting on my big girl pants and going.

This doctor made me sit and look into a machine for what seemed like forever to check my field of vision. Then she tested my eye pressure and did an examination of my retina and my macula to ensure that there were no complications or signs of retinopathy. ALL CLEAR! Now I have a follow up in 6 months that I certainly intend to keep. Yay for new doctors actually being competent and pleasant.

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