Friday, September 21, 2012

Flu Vaccine Made Me Sick!

Ok. No. No it did not. That's not how the flu vaccine works. You can't get sick from the dead virus. You can have some discomfort and such, but it did not give you the sinus infection or whatever you think it gave you. I have just seen too many folks on my facebook and twitter feeds talking about how their flu shot MADE them sick. They report it on the news as though these subjective stories are fact. Unless you have the flu strain that they shot into you, you definitely didn't get it from the flu shot.

There is loads of scientific research that backs me up in my assertion. There is zero credible evidence that supports your "flu vaccine made me sick" argument. Sure, you might get a fever or something, but that means the vaccine is actually working. Your immune system is pumping up to learn about the new buggies your doctor injected. Isn't that cool? I can answer that for you. It definitely is.

I understand that some people have a harder time with vaccines. Some people have allergies. The allergy folks get a pass from me, actually. Don't get a flu shot if you are allergic to its components. Otherwise, even if you get a mild reaction, get a flu shot. You'll protect yourself and those around you. While you're at it, throw in a Dtap if you haven't had one recently. Especially if you know/love/are around children or the immune compromised. Whooping cough is no joke and the numbers are on the rise.

Anyway, back to the flu vaccine. Where do you get the flu vaccine? Doctor's offices. Where do sick people go to get medicine? Doctor's offices. Not a coincidence.

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