Thursday, November 10, 2011

Shutting down the whiners...

I find inspiration and advice for life in all sorts of places, many times those places are blogs about chronic illness. Sometimes, these posts hit home in a way that's hard to explain.

This post from Dear Thyroid is no exception. I really get the feeling a lot of times that my empathy is broken. I just can't get my knickers in a twist about your bad haircut. You're fortunate to know that your hair will grow back.

I especially get this way when average people complain about being sick. I work through things that would put most people on their ass for multiple weeks. Perhaps I shouldn't, but there are certain economic realities that encourage me to do so.

I've been a little quiet lately because this is one of those times that I'm struggling to keep my head above water in a lot of ways. I'm really sick. I tried taking a course of augmentin, that didn't work, so now I am on biaxin. I think I'm back on the upswing, but I know that if I don't take a break, I will be totally shafted and may get worse. I'm sure most people don't wake up in tears due to fear that this will be the time I end up hospitalized again or that this may be the infection that kills me. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that most of the population hasn't felt that way.

I feel that way, at least to some degree, every. single. time I get sick. Every time. It's almost paralyzing, which is one reason I sort of just keep going. I figure if I ignore what is happening, perhaps it will get better on its own and I won't have to worry about it, so long as I take my medicine. Most of the time this is the case, but there will be a time when it's not. I just hope I'm prepared for that time.

In the meantime, and to get back to my point, I really feel like people take a lot of their blessedness for granted. I know I'm guilty of this too, but before you post that whiny facebook status about how you're out with a cold, just remember that there are people who get things much worse than colds far more often than you get a cold that are unable to take the time off for it they should, even if their employers offer sick leave. Also remember that your "tragic" events should be kept in perspective. There are usually worse things.

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