Diets that exclude certain things entirely have always seemed to good to be true, to me. I did South Beach once and did lose weight, but I gained it back once I went back to regular eating habits. I have always believed that lifestyle change and portion control is much more important than any sort of gimmicky diet plan.
A friend of mine is talking about eliminating gluten from her diet. Gluten is not the bad guy. I have many strong feelings about this. I think that people doing this are just a slave to the latest fad. I know folks who have to eliminate gluten due to allergy or sensitivity and I understand that it is very difficult for them. Gluten is everywhere in the food you eat, the medicine you take, even some bath products can have gluten or wheat in them.
I take special exception to the faddish elimination of gluten in no small part because my mother has diverticulosis. You know what they think causes diverticulosis? Low carb diets and processed foods. Shocking. So you mean we should eat more whole grains, fruits, and veggies? Not rely on processed-to-the-point-of-being-unrecognizable foods? No. Way. Because that might actually make a difference in our overall health and well being.
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