I went to WMATA's website to further investigate their policies. There are some things I am beginning to feel I should take care of before I something happens, as a kind of insurance policy against the future, and this is one of those things. Especially since the disability office has the worst hours known to man. Why are they only open 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM on some days and 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM on others? Because they're WMATA.
Anyway, I found their policies on the application but I found it to be a little quizzical. I expected that my doctor would be required to fill out the form, that's fine, but the categories they have are interesting and as follows:
1. NON-AMBULATORY: An individual is unable to walk and requires the use of a wheelchair or other mobility device.
2. SEMI-AMBULATORY: An individual has a chronic condition, which substantially limits the ability to walk, or is unable to walk without the use of a caliper leg brace, walker or crutches.
3. AMPUTATION: An individual has an amputation of one or both hands, arms, feet, or legs.
4. STROKE: An individual has substantial functional motor deficits in any of two extremities, loss of balance and/or cognitive impairments three months post stroke.
5. NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS OTHER THAN STROKE: An individual has difficulty with coordination, communication, social interaction and/ or perception from a brain, spinal or peripheral nerve injury or illness, has functional motor deficits, or suffers manifestations that significantly reduce mobility. A specific diagnosis is required.
6. PULMONARY OR CARDIAC CONDITIONS: An individual has a pulmonary or cardiac condition resulting in marked limitation of physical functioning and dyspnea during activities such as climbing steps and/or walking a short distance. * If diagnosis is asthma, please state whether: a) Individual has been on systemic medication for the immediate past six months, OR b) Individual has been required to use fast acting inhaler for three or more episodes per week for the immediate past six months. A specific diagnosis is required.
7. BLIND OR LOW VISION: An individual is legally blind, whose visual acuity in the better eye, with correction, is 20/200 or less, or who has tunnel vision to 10 degrees or less from a point of fixation or so the widest diameter subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees. An individual has low vision, and whose visual acuity is
in the range of 20/70 to 20/200 with best correction.
8. DEAF OR HARD OF HEARING: An individual with a pure tone average greater than 70 dB in both ears, regardless of use of hearing aids.
9. EPILEPSY: An individual has had at least one tonic-clonic seizure within the past
four months.
10. DEVELOPMENTAL OR LEARNING DISABILITIES: An individual has a significant learning, perceptual and/ or cognitive disability. Some conditions are excluded from eligibility such as attention deficit disorder (ADD). A specific diagnosis is required.
11. MENTAL ILLNESS: An individual whose mental illness includes a substantial disorder of thought, perception, orientation, or memory that impairs judgment and behavior. A specific diagnosis is required.
12. CHRONIC PROGRESSIVE DEBILITATING CONDITIONS: An individual who experiences debilitating diseases, autoimmune deficiencies, or progressive and uncontrollable malignancies, any of which are characterized by fatigue, weakness, pain and/or changes in mental status that impair mobility. A specific diagnosis is required.
Ok, so most of this seems reasonable to me... until you get to #12. Autoimmune deficiencies? Do you mean Autoimmune Diseases and Immune Deficiencies? I mean, my illness is characterized by joint pain and fatigue, so I'm pretty sure my doctor will sign off, but I really wish it was more clear. I also fear that, since I don't have a listed diagnosis, approval will be challenging. I am hopeful it won't, but I don't think I have the courage or desire to start the process now. Maybe by the time my next treatment comes around, I'll be ready.
UPDATE: This little gem is also a little troubling to me... Granted, none of my things are contageous, but things like TB and HIV are...
Who is not eligible: People whose sole incapacity is pregnancy, obesity, acute or chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, or have a contagious disease. Financial need is NOT a consideration.
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