Wow. So I started a new drug I've never had before last night. Um. Yeah. These side effects are not fun.
Side effects are not usually a picnic, but I will troop right on through them. I'll do that with these, but yikes. Maybe they'll subside after taking the medicine for a couple days, but the label indicates that symptoms could last for a month after ceasing the drug.
There are lots of things that people with chronic illness put up with, and medication side effects are a big one. This med makes you sleepy, this one keeps you awake, that one makes you fat, that one makes you want to tear your eyes out, this one will keep you in the bathroom until the rapture. Every medication is different and they all seem to have their own attendant problems. Some more than others, I'll admit, but sometimes you're on enough of them to make it seem like it would be better to just be sick. Luckily, I'm not yet to that point.
Most healthy people just switch medications when there are unpleasant side effects. I usually just suffer through, stiff upper lip style, because I know there are limited options and that the options grow increasingly limited as bacteria builds resistance.
I just wish I didn't feel so awful right now.
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